PrettyPrintedJSON is macOS applications, to test your api's JSON response, and export the JSON to swift struct / class files directly from the app.
PrettyPrintedJSON is brought to you by
Table of Contents
- Test your api's JSON response.
- User defined Queries and Headers.
- Use url or if your api uses endpoint you have that option as well.
- Wide range of methods.
- Export JSON to swift.
One view application, with the option to close the sidebares.
Add a project by clicking the +
In the add project view you type in the project name.
Remove a project by selecting a row and clicking the - button or right click a project
To edit a project right click and select edit
Select a project and add a header item to that project by clicking the +
In the add header view you type in the key and value.
Remove a header by selecting a row and clicking the - button or right click a row
To edit a header right click and select edit
Url:The format should be: if your api doesn't use endpoint structure, use the page as endpoint ( streamCars.php )
Endpoint: The endpoint of the url you want to call. For example, if you want to call the API to get a list of used cars, you would use the endpoint cloud be - 'streamUsedCars'
Method: The method of the request can be GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
Network Monitoring:
Network monitoring with Pulse, will show you the http response code, time of the call, and full url.
If you click the pulse button, you can se more info about your url call.
Pulse is created by Alex Grebenyuk More info here
UrlRequest response:
This view will show you the response from your url, if every thing is og you se your JSON string, or an error message.
You can use the copy button, if you just need the JSON string, or you can you export the JSON to swift.
If you dont need to test a api, you can past your JSON string directly, and export to swift.
Add a query to the selected endpoint by clicking the +"
In the add query view you type in the key and value.
Remove a query by selecting a row and clicking the - button or right click a row
To edit a query right click and select edit
If the JSON is valid, the ! will change to checkmark.
Base class name is required, Prefix, company, and author is optional.
Select the options, by clicking the check box.
Access control, gives you the option to select, private, internal or publics.
Click the Generate Models when your ready.
Thanks to my inspiration for this app.
License Agreement
Basic license to the app and info about privacy.
Light or dark mode.
The appearance is up to you
Here you can set the font of the json view.
Remove all limitations with a subscription you can choose between monthly or yearly payment.
PrettyPrintedJSON is available from the app store and is only usable on the mac's using your apple id.